After completing the quest, you need to get to the nearest post office and send a message to Deborah, which will contain all the coordinates. Contrary to the bad foreboding, the reward for this quest is not limited to a simple "thank you". After the conversation, the woman will ride away on her wagon.

Deborah will prudently give her employee a postal address where you need to send letters.

Simply send her the coordinates of the location of the bones, and she herself will go for them. When Morgan will find one, it does not need to carry or transfer to the customer. Deborah will tell about 30 fragments of the skeleton. We recommend not to waste time on it specifically, but to look for bones in parallel with the main missions while traveling in the Wild West. At the meeting, MacGuiness will give an assignment that is categorized as optional. You need to make conversation with an archaeologist to get a mission. An archaeologist has dug in close to the Flatnek station in New Hanover. Deborah Arthur can meet at any stage of the game after passing the second chapter. If you look at the map, it is unevenly dotted with bits of the remains. In total, Deborah will need 30 bones, each of which is in a certain place, and places - in different locations. Contrary to logic, they are not collected in one place where you can dig, wave with a paleontological brush and pull fragments of the skeleton to the surface. Arthur Morgan at one of the stages of the game will receive a quest called "Test of Faith" from a local paleontologist Deborah McGuinness.Ī young researcher dreams of putting together a whole dinosaur skeleton in pieces. In the Wild West and not in such an adventure you can get involved. Of course, any gambling hunter will look for a weighty treasure that will pull for a couple of hundred dollars more for the soul than for the remains of extinct creatures.

It is not a secret for anyone that the bowels of the earth hold many interesting secrets.

Introducing the complete guide to dinosaur bones. It is to such collection items include dinosaur bones. The latter do not affect the gameplay in any way and do not simplify the game, but they need to be found or assembled so that you can be proud of the 100% passing. In Red Dead Redemption 2 there are essentials that will help find a way out of difficult situations, and there are collectible items. If Rockstar Games set a goal to surprise gamers, then they really succeeded. When hunting bothers, shootouts cause a yawn, and gambling no longer stirs the blood, it is time to do something unusual, for example, searching for dinosaur bones.